Our Dexters
Wee Cows. Big Flavour.
The origins of the Dexter breed are in the south-western counties of Ireland and date back to 1845. Their name comes from a ‘Mister Dexter’ who came to Ireland in the mid-1700s and settled in Tipperary.
Over the years the breed fell out of favour. During the 1970s, Dexter cattle were classified as an endangered and ‘rare’ breed most likely because farmers moved towards more commercial, intensive farming and towards breeds that offered better yields, could be grain fed and grown faster, often indoors.
In the last few decades however, Dexters have made a big comeback, championed by farmers and foodies who value the exceptional quality of meat.
Thankfully for Castlescree they are really suited to the North East of Ireland where we have a clement climate, plenty of rain and lots of lush, clover-filled grass.
Dexters love a grass fed diet and are medium to slow growing, but were not in any hurry - the sweet, well-marbled flesh is worth waiting on.
Castlescreen Farm is a member of The Dexter Cattle Society. Our Dexter beef is:
- Registered
- Fully traceable
- From Pedigree Dexters individually certified at birth by The Breed Society
- Converting to Fully Certified Organic
At Castlescreen we grow grass that is high in white clover which is natural and organic and gives Castlescreen beef its incredible flavour.
If you look a bit closer at the beef industry around the world, you'll find that most commercial cattle are fed largely or partially on a grain diet. This is not ideal for animal or human health. Add the fact that a lot of grain is imported from around the world and you've also added many food miles to your plate long before it gets to your kitchen.
Castlescreen Farm beef and lamb are raised 100% on pasture, 100% of the year with 0% fertilisers or pesticides.
A grass diet produces flavourful fats that are also healthier and meat that is naturally high in valuable nutrients that include zinc and iron, phosphorous, potassium and sodium. Our Dexter beef is also high in beta-carotene, vitamin E, catalase, glutathione and superoxide dismutase, which are all good anti-oxidants.